CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. July 27: How Ohio Communities Can Handle Pluses, Minuses of Oil and Gas Work

    meeting of energy-related social science experts from the U.S. and other countries, which is July 26-27 at ...

  2. Market Steer Weigh-in

    Details about the 2016 Market Steer Weigh-in are available by clicking here! ...

  3. Future Trends and Their Impact for Leaders

    What major trends and issues will affect us in the next 3-5 years? How can we look ahead to take ... actions now that help us create a better tomorrow?  We analyze trends and issues facing society and ...

  4. Niblack Begins as CFAES Acting Senior Associate Dean

    Please join us in congratulating Terry and thanking her, Larry and Guo-Liang for accepting these ...

  5. Best Boss Ever

    that employees leave bosses, not organizations. Here are some statistics about the impact of good and ...

  6. Heather Pariso '10 films "Garden Gurl" episodes at Ohio State ATI

    interviewed Bob McMahon about the greenhouse program. “My students and I really had fun participating in the ... taping. The exposure to the public about Ohio State ATI through these TV shows will be wonderful," ...

  7. Egg Price Drop Good for Consumers, Tough for Producers

    additional 5 to 6 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. “What comes up, must come down ...

  8. Six honored by CFAES

    Producers Council. Bob Gibbs (U.S. congressional representative)- Gibbs is a member of Ohio State ATI's ... U.S. Representative for the 7th District of Ohio since 2011. Wayne Impullitti (owner and President of ...

  9. Good Reading: New and Revised Fact Sheets on Ohioline

    2001-2010 and Ohio Pesticide Applicator Training: A Study Guide for Commercial Industrial Vegetation ... Applicators. We hope you’ll make use of these helpful resources. We ask that you spread the word among your ...

  10. Save the Date: Farm Science Review Is Sept. 20-22

    available soon; however, please save the date and we will plan to see you there! Find more information about ...
