CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Optimal Forest Carbon Sequestration

    lengthening rotations. Forest sequestration is predicted to account for about one-third of total carbon ...

  2. Natural Gas Utilization by Ohio Agriculture

    Those who want to know more about the pros and cons of doing so may attend “Natural Gas Utilization by ...

  3. Midwest Graduate Student Conference on Regional and Applied Economics (CRAE) Held at Ohio State on April 5th and 6th; Meeting was a Huge Success

    heterogeneity, or large differences across space, characterize the geography of poverty in the U.S. Dr. Reid ...

  4. Global Cost Estimates of Reducing Carbon Emissions Through Avoided Deforestation

    S Wunder, and R Beach. Tropical deforestation is estimated to cause about one-quarter of anthropogenic ...

  5. Brent R. Porteus, 1978 AEDE Alumnus, Appointed to The Ohio State University Board of Trustees

    holds its next meeting June 5- 7, 2013, at the Longaberger Alumni House. About The Ohio State University ...

  6. Undergrad Michelle Beres Wins Award at Ohio State’s Denman Undergraduate Research Forum

    selecting what to grow, making decisions about how to use the garden’s money or even teaching others how to ...

  7. Event Recap: The Micro Foundations of Macro Sorting Models

    quality. To conduct their research Phaneuf and Hamilton used US Census Data from 1990 and 2000 focused on ...

  8. AEDE’s C. William Swank Program Hosts Advisory Council Meeting Focused on Workforce Development

    presentations at universities in the U.S., China, Italy and France.   Swank Program research was recently ...

  9. Thank You, Susie Sheller, AEDE’s Undergraduate Program Coordinator, for 27 Years of Dedicated Service to the Department

    about this new challenge. I’ve been overseeing the undergraduate schedule at the department level for ...

  10. Ohio State Expert to Offer Grain Outlook during 2014 Farm Science Review

    people’s attention, both for the 2014 crop, but also in thinking about what this means for 2015.”   Roberts ...
