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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-01

    Eisley, Andy Michel, Rouf Mian, Ron Hammond With a new year upon us, we thought it important to inform ... about these results (, is that the higher the SCN ... genetics-applications for management; Seed treatments; Insect resistance management; Frogeye, rust and plant health; ...

  2. Darke County Pesticide Applicator and Fertilizer Applicator Recertification Training

    8:30- 11:30 will be the Pesticide Recertification 11:30- 12:30 will be the Fertilizer Recertification Register online at     ...

  3. Fungicide Use on Alfalfa

    This week I was asked about applying fungicides to alfalfa because of the wet weather pattern we ...

  4. Ashlina Chin

    for Soils Database Entry Project at Virginia Tech: Entered pedon lab data in the U.S. Department of ...

  5. Graduate

    the top 3-5 Plant Pathology doctoral programs in the U.S., based on regression and survey methods that ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-40

    longer applicable to non-transgenic hybrids. In the OCPT summary of hybrids evaluated in western Ohio ... Q (DuPont) is labeled for postemergence application in corn, and a primary intended use appears to be mixing ... application. Rimsulfuron, can provide several weeks of control of annual grasses, lambsquarters, pigweeds, and ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-22

    as watery blisters (the "blister" stage of kernel development). This usually occurs about ... silks continue to elongate for about 10 days after they emerge from the ear husks before they finally ... of leaf midribs. Late postemergent application of fertilizers and pesticides can also result in leaf ...

  8. Hot, Dry Conditions Stressing Corn

    alone.  The recent high temperatures have generated questions about the impact of high temperatures on ... drought tolerant hybrids were lower or about the same as the drought sensitive hybrids. However, other ...

  9. Pollination Underway in April Planted Corn

    and silk about the same time although some variability exists among hybrids and environments. On ...

  10. Mining Ohio Historic Data that went into Tri-State Recommendations

    relative yield to shows us how much fertilization increased or decreased grain yields. For each trial, we ...
