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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. SENR Community reflects on why they like to ride

    find out why they ride.     Lauren Blyth, a graduate student in the school rides about 7 miles one-way ... Blyth rides about 7 miles one-way to her office in the school. Reflecting on her ride, she says, "I ... enthusiastic about the Olentangy Trail and notes, "I love the ease of the Olentangy Trail in connecting my ...

  2. Mercury (inorganic)

    Water Contaminants USEPA- Water: Basic Information about Regulated Drinking Water Contaminants- Basic ... Information about Mercury in Drinking Water ATSDR- Toxic Substances Portal- Mercury FACT SHEETS ODH Health ... for you about Mercury ...

  3. Western Agronomy Field Day is July 16

    learn from state specialists about a range of topics designed to help them understand what their crops ... inform and educate farmers about the agricultural research advances made in the past year at the Western ...

  4. Fair Use in Research and Education

    have some concerns about whether this is accurate? How can you evaluate whether something may qualify ...

  5. Exploring the Relative Influence of Knowledge, Values and Risk Perception on Engagement in Climate Mitigative Behaviors

    Columbus Public Health and SENR about climate change and health that was distributed online to 400 Columbus ...

  6. Event to Feature Ohio’s Forests and the One in Ohio State’s Library

    Zaleski State Forest, located about 70 miles southeast of Columbus, was  used extensively  in the ...

  7. SENR Internship Stories

    managed about 10 invasive species while I was there over the summer. We hand picked, cut down, or sprayed ... the Marathon headquarters. Working at a refinery, I learned a lot about the process and was able to ... about Ohio wildlife and protection. We taught the kids how to care for our animal ambassadors and what ...

  8. Partnering to inform and deliver habitat management to restore Northern Bobwhite populations on Ohio farmlands

    Wildlife, Pheasants Forever, Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and ...

  9. Human Subjects Research: Assistance with IRB Forms and Data Management

    IRB process?  Interested in learning more about best practices for collecting, managing, and curating ...

  10. 2016 Ohio State University Spring Career Fair

    about internship and career opportunities.  Attending employers recruit across a broad range of ...
