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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Cornfield Grows Into Shape of Ohio State Logo

    16-row planter costs about $160,000, and the multi-hybrid and other planter technologies add another ... smart planter “knows” about the various soil types and terrain of any field because the data was ...

  2. Ohio Composting Industry Tour Is Aug. 24

    sediment dredged from the lake and the Cuyahoga River. Huron is about 50 miles west of Cleveland along Lake ... include lunch. Details about the tour and a registration form can be downloaded at ...

  3. Farm to Fork Orchard and Farm Tour

    harvest. See some of the vegetable crops and hear about the Helsers’ experiences in the local food movement ...

  4. When Science Isn't Enough: Communicating in a Complex World

    regulations and acceptance of agricultural innovations. Come learn about the tension between science and ...

  5. Dave Richards: ONLA president is dedicated to the green industry

    it slipshod.” Dave took the test himself in 2007 and is the first high school teacher in the U.S. to ... Inc., encompassing about 700 acres, where he says he was in charge of "everything but sales." ...

  6. NEWS- Jill Gallion receives university Distinguished Staff Award

    assisting students with wage referrals and work study; and assisting students with information about their ... at Ohio State ATI. When students have questions about their academic progress or are facing ...

  7. What's New

      Anyone can suggest an item for the library to purchase! For all the latest news follow us on Facebook   ...

  8. Buckeye Shepherd Symposium

    students Information about the symposium, registration costs and forms are available at ...

  9. ATI Ranked Number One in Ag Degrees

    compiles its reports from data from the U.S. Department of Education. With the exception of 2011, when ATI ...

  10. Ohio State’s Food Industries Center responds to the needs of the food industry with online continuing education

    make it even better.” To learn more about this course or to register online, go to: ...
