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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. First 2017 Report of Cucumber Downy Mildew in Ohio

    Ontario  yesterday, and is about 8 days earlier than our first Ohio report in 2016. Cucumber and melon ...

  2. Cultural Competence: Addressing Race Relations in the 21st Century

    together to develop our cultural competence indvidually and institutionally can help each one of us take ...

  3. Spring Clean Your Wellness Routine

    2015 Spring Live Healthy Live Well Email Challenge. Please join us as we Spring Clean Your ...

  4. Godwill Mih Chewachong

    to infect plants and account for about 50% of all newly emerging plant viruses. Mitigating yield ... Head, Government High School Njikwa, North West Region, Cameroon, 2002- 2004 Honors and Awards U.S ... Combined Effects of host plant resistance and insecticide application on the development of cowpea viral ...

  5. MarketReady Training

    also attend.    Please see the flyer attached for the complete information about what MarketReady ...

  6. Golden Gate Girls

    Chinese-language films in the US, the most prominent female director in Hong Kong in the 1930s, and for most of the ... 1940s, the only woman directing feature-length films in the US. A San Francisco native and open lesbian, ...

  7. VA Grotto Gardens Tour

    Join us for a special tour of the Grotto Gardens on the Dayton VA Hospital grounds. We will meet ...

  8. Overdose Rate Tied to Jobless Rate

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — The decline in Ohio’s manufacturing jobs, especially since 2000, occurred about ... with only a high school degree and those who graduated from college was only about 40 percent. Now that ...

  9. Xing Ma

    agent of bacterial leaf spot of tomato in the Midwest U.S. Presentations Ma, X.,  Baysal-Gurel, F,,  ... in the Midwest US. Poster presentation. 2012 North Central American Phytopathological Society Annual ...

  10. Jump-Starting Rural Economies

    be the lowest since 2006, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. “It seems like we’re ...
