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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Employing Youth Labor on the Farm

    neighbor, friend, niece, nephew, cousin, etc., then there are very specific rules about the jobs they can ...

  2. MG Coffee Series- Succulents

    Growing and Caring for Succulents Learn the details about succulents and how to grow the best ones ...

  3. Field Corn Planting Depth

    specialist Peter Thomison wrote about corn planting depth in the OSU Extension CORN newsletter.  Here is an ... about 0.75 inches below the soil surface. However, at planting depths less than 1 inch, the nodal roots ... ears and reduced yields. In a recent OSU evaluation of planting depths, grain yields were about 14% ...

  4. Environmental Education and Communication Links

    professionals and others; shares research and ideas; ~15 public EELinked focus networks) US EPA environmental ... Schools US Dept. of Education   (recognizes <environmental impact/costs, >health/wellness, ... >environmental/sustainability education) US EPA EE site for students (activities for K-12 students; resources for educators and ...

  5. Identifying and Managing Feed Shrink

    In this week’s column, Jason Hartschuh, Crawford County Extension Educator provides us with some ... values on an average farm feeding a silage-based ration, cause feed costs to increase about ... count by fives. The accuracy error is typically about 1%, but varies a lot between mixers on different ...

  6. Keep Important Papers Organized & Safe

    numbers on it.  These are just a few reminders for us all to consider.  If you want more information on ...

  7. 2018 Dairy Twilight Tour

    and management.  Tour participants will have an opportunity to ask the family questions about their ...

  8. Ohio Forage and Grasslands Annual Conference

    rewards of annual and perennial pastures” as well as “ What we are learning about irrigating pastures,” ...

  9. Manage Yield Factors with Late Planted Corn

    soil compaction can reduce yield for several years to come. Don't worry about switching hybrid ...

  10. Developing the Ohio hops and malting barley industry

    the field research trials allows us to educate growers about production, pest management practices, ... over 2,000 people interested in learning more about the hop and malting barley research that is being ...
