CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Grant Writing: An Introduction

    Join us for this interactive workshop on grant writing. We will address some of the similarities ...

  2. Limited Submission Opportunites

    applications that can be submitted by Ohio State investigators. The Ohio State University Office of Research ... coordinates limited submission applications by establishing earlier, internal deadlines to allow the review of ...

  3. Breakfast Presentation by the Environmental Professionals Network

    University.   The presentation “will help us learn about new and innovative approaches, relevant in Ohio and ... Taylor Drive in Columbus. Speaking will be: Radhika Fox, CEO of the Washington, D.C.-based  U.S. Water ...

  4. Broader Impacts Workshop

    Anna Ball on Friday, September 8, 2017. Dr. Ball will be doing several workshops about broader impacts ... will talk about ways faculty can build stronger broader impact (sometimes called outreach or ...

  5. Partners   Cliff Treyens National Ground ...

  6. IRB and International Research

    research at international locations. The session will: Debunk common myths about international research. ... Explain how to create and submit Buck-IRB proposals Provide tips about the informed consent process, ...

  7. Manure practices, not glamorous, can be a star for both food crops and water

    storage and application. Speakers came from OARDC, Ohio State University Extension (OARDC’s outreach ... a prototype poultry litter applicator that slashes phosphorus runoff from poultry litter into water. Also ...

  8. OSU Internal Funding

    research grants funds. Applications must be for projects related to the study of national security in ...

  9. NE Ohio Field Day

    about 65 miles east of Cleveland. Andy Kirk, the station’s manager, said the free event, which goes from ... Ohio and the U.S. in general,” Kirk said. It’s so new experts aren’t clear how big of a problem it will ...

  10. “The Fruit of Inquiry” Dedication

    Please join us for the dedication of the main entrance and new art sculpture at the OARDC   Front ...
