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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. OSU Extension Direct Food and Ag Marketing Team 2017 Summary Report

    conjunction with OSUE Cuyahoga County to 26 participants. An attendee said about the training that, “all ... Cooperatives shared information about cooperative development with the attendees. • The Direct Marketing Team ...

  2. Livestock Judging Chronicle

    page to learn about notable accomplishments since 1904.   1904- 1913 Coach C. Plumb 1914-1942 Coach D. ...

  3. What does your family emergency plan look like?

    think about a family emergency plan for a severe weather strike.  Parents, here are some questions to ... get you to think about that family emergency plan.  If there is severe weather while you are away from ... water per person for three days.  A normally active person needs about three quarters of a gallon of ...

  4. International Logistics

    Join us on Wednesday, May 27 as we will have experts on hand to discuss freight forwarding, best ...

  5. Emeritus Professor Hogan Honored with National Mastitis Council Award

    read more about the award here. Dr. Hogan became a post-doctoral researcher in 1986 with the Mastitis ...

  6. Mount Sterling Dairy LLC

    farm is only about 25 minutes from campus. If you are interested, contact Anja at: ...

  7. Animal Science Intangibles Course

    Are you interested in learning more about what you can do with your animal science degree and how ...

  8. Dairy Judging

    locations of cultural interest and visits to dairy farms who offered classes for us to evaluate.  Both also ...

  9. Welcome to South Centers Matthew Smith

    aquaculture industry, Matthew was exposed to a wide variety of species that are applicable to the Ohio ...

  10. Swine Science

    and part-time student employment, you will gain practical experience and learn about: Swine production ... science provide the basis for learning more about swine production, management, evaluation & ...
