CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Landscaping With Clean Water in Mind

    What can you do in your own yard and garden to protect our water? Lots! Learn about soil testing, ...

  2. Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

    acres to complete a fertilizer applicator certification course.  This law applies to broadcast ...

  3. Applying the 4 R's to Winter Hay Feeding

    to a sheep flock. “Most anyone involved in agriculture in Ohio has very likely heard about the ... about opportunity cost of making that hay and using the ground for extended grazing or crops, and then ... have the same nutrient requirements? What about fall calving? Does that cow hitting peak lactation on ...

  4. 4-H Supports Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts

    thankful for here in Wayne County.  As such many people have been asking about how to support the people of ... learn about giving back and paying it forward by supporting their fellow 4-H and FFA members in Texas. ...

  5. Wet Forages pose risk of barn fires

    temperatures from the center of the stack or down about 8 feet in large stacks.  A long probe thermometer is ...

  6. Northeast Ohio Dairy Conference

    industry, have a great opportunity to learn more about the topic of dairy cattle lameness, its impact on ... Tri-County: 419-853-4835, Byland: 419-994-5515.             An informational flyer with more details about ...

  7. Healthy and Frugal Food

    Sciences will be presenting from 3-4pm on Healthy Food, Frugal Food. Join us for a food demonstration and ...

  8. Planting Factors Affecting Soybean Yield

    specialist provides us with some planting time factors that affect soybean yield.  Those factors include ...

  9. The Farm Balance Sheet

    debt obligations and payments?  Within the past 1-2 years, we have heard more about the importance of ... asset, and farm debt to equity.  For more information about farm balance sheets or to obtain a form to ...

  10. The Latino Student Association Meeting

    Family Room   Join us every other Thursday from 6:00 pm- 7:00 pm in the Alonso Family Room of the MCC. ...
