CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Pesticide Training

    Training to take Initial Pesticide Applicator's Test.  Call the office at 740-454-0144 to ...

  2. Holiday Budget

    we’ve been talking about getting a handle on our money flow, really taking a look at the money in and ... holiday spending is about 1.5 percent of your total income.  So if you make $25,000 then the suggested ... budget would be about $375. *Divide out the expenses by the number of paychecks that you have before your ...

  3. Stockpiling Pasture for Late Season Grazing

    produced from an early to mid-August nitrogen application.  This figures out to between $43- $64/ton of ... generally higher quality than first cutting hay and about equal to a lot of 2 nd cutting hay made for ...

  4. Ag Breakfast

    new Fertilizer Applicator Certificaiton program.  ...

  5. Watch Orchardgrass Harvest Height

    forage specialists across the U.S., the number one reason for shorter stand life was low cutting ...

  6. Livestock Auction Message

    Dear 4-H and FFA members, We have had some calls asking about where the livestock auctions will be ...

  7. Ohio Grain Handling and Storage Survey

    a survey about their current grain handling and storage systems. This information will be used to develop ... in the survey. If there are questions about this survey, please contact Dee Jepsen ...

  8. Livestock Building Rental Considerations

    Recently I have received some questions about rental of livestock buildings, specifically dairy ... contains provision about how repairs are handled, how water and utilities are paid for and maintained, ... and even how manure will be handled and where it will be applied. For more information about livestock ...

  9. Scout for Alfalfa Weevil

    for an insecticide application is rarely justified for two reasons.  The first is that the alfalfa ... office at 330-264-8722 for more information about alfalfa weevil. ...

  10. Dealing With Stress

    lag and immune systems can’t protect us like they should.  Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, balanced ... life is out of control, consider seeking professional assistance.  If you have questions about the ...
