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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. “2015 Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium

    event handout materials. For more detailed information about the 2015 Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium ...

  2. Make Plans to Attend the Annual Buckeye Shepherds Symposium

    information about the 2015 Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium including a complete agenda for Saturday’s program, ...

  3. Enjoy Outdoor Cooking Safely

    One of my favorite things about summer is eating outside.  Really, not just on a picnic table, but ...

  4. Abnormal Corn Ears

    article about this topic. Excessive rainfall followed by late season drought had a major impact on ear and ...

  5. Ohio Local Foods Week

    surrounding counties.  Take some time to have a conversation with a farmer and learn more about what it takes ... to produce the food we eat.  Here are several facts about Ohio agriculture and local food production ... that is all about local foods and supporting local farmers is Local Roots Market and Café located at ...

  6. MXC- Making eXtreme Counelors Registration Due

    veteran camp counselors. To learn more about MXC check out the event webpage. ...

  7. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the Midwest for the Second Year in a Row

    dollars, not counting indirect costs.  Lessons Learned from the 2015 Outbreak As mentioned, the US aims to ... trade implications. For that reason, the strategy for the US is to eradicate the virus by quickly ...

  8. Be Food Safe This Summer

    fever, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea (often bloody).  The illness can last about a week.  So, what can ...

  9. Culling Decisions

    developing a culling order specifically for your farm.  To begin, it is best to think about which cow(s) in ...

  10. Spring Alfalfa Stand Evaluation

    the later part of May until about July 19.  During this time many alfalfa fields were harvested under ...
