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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Memories and Recipes: Cookbook Collection of 4-H Family Dishes

    Thanksgiving. What about your Great Aunt’s veggie pizza recipe that was handed down and is now your go-to for ... life lesson you have learned. It could be something about your 4-H club, and the friends you made. ...

  2. Steps to Home Ownership

    the requirements for CHIP, Housing Choice Voucher Home Ownership, Habitat for Humanity, and U.S ...

  3. Money As You Grow

    quiet one-on-one talks. To find more information about building your child's money skills while you ... find information for getting started, building your child's money skills, talking about choices, ... Grow: For your child during young adulthood (PDF)   Join us for a free workshop for parents and ...

  4. Managing Flies & Livestock Health As Summer Warms Up

    concerned about are face, horn, and stable flies.  The species have similarities but also some subtle ... and will consume about 30 meals per day.  They spend the majority of their time on the animal and will ... management factors.  Again, fly management is not a one application and done process.  Consequently, ...

  5. Sumer Is The Perfect Season For Homemade Ice Cream

    products for dinner, talk about how many different breeds of dairy cattle you might name and what they look ... cream.  In the United States over a course of a year, the average person eats about 3.5 gallons of this ... about l quart of strawberries and 1 (3-oz) package of strawberry gelatin. * If your ice cream doesn’t ...

  6. Food Preservation

    about home food preservation? Remember, with the right information, food preservation can be safe, ... simple, and easy to learn. If you are curious about the altitude where you live, visit the National Center ...  ...

  7. With Livestock Leases, 4-H Clubs Have Something For Everyone

    one way the 4-H program allows members to learn about animals without owning one. Members may also ... and have a great time is what it’s all about.”           Seeing the 4-H’ers smile and have fun is what ... the youth learn more about the dairy industry. Owning a dairy animal is a continuous learning ...

  8. 174th Butler County Fair Coming July 21-27, 2024

    to instill values that their kids will be forever grateful.  What are county fairs all about?  County ... 4-H program allows youth to learn about numerous projects and careers.  There are over 250 4-H ... fair food, learn more about 4-H youth development and how it is truly making a positive difference in ...

  9. It's Patio Grilling Season, And Here Are Tips To Ward Off The Germs

    The early spring weather has allowed us to enjoy several meals being prepared or served outdoors.  ... things to keep in mind so that everyone enjoys the food, and it stays safe.  Here is a summary from U.S ... keep everyone safe, I hope these reminders help us all to celebrate the season. Melinda Hill is an OSU ...

  10. Meet Your Best Friend In Weed Control In Pastures, Hayfields

    as variable rate nutrient applications.  To learn more about this program, or to sign up, you should ... will be effective for an early spring or late fall application.  Products such as 2,4D or crossbow are ...
