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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. COVID-19 and Deer Hunting Pathogen Safety

    deer per year ( ... COVID-19 (Marques et al. 2022; Hale et al. 2022; Palmer et al. 2021). While knowledge about white-tailed ... of 165 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Check with your state wildlife agency about testing requirements ...

  2. Pulsed Electric Field Processing Applications in the Food Industry

    Current Applications of PEF in the Food Industry? PEF processing is used for food pasteurization. In 2005, ... with existing production lines. For solid food, cell disintegration applications, a typical PEF ... application, a PEF system includes a supply tank, a fluid pump, a pulse generator unit, a treatment chamber ...

  3. Preventing and Controlling Coyote Problems

    a charged trip wire installed just above ground level about 8 inches outside the main fence to discourage ... ground about 8 to 10 inches outside the fence. One to three additional wires may be added with variable ... electronic lights or sounds. However, electronic devices may have only limited application in urban settings ...

  4. Abnormal Ears in Corn—When and Why Do They Develop?

    years of studying corn, questions still exist about its growth and development. Corn ear abnormalities ... reducing productivity and spurring research about the underlying causes. Distinct differences exist between ... in the western and central U.S. Corn Belt (Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, and Illinois), Eastern Colorado, ...

  5. Ohio Phosphorus (P) Use by Crop Reporting District

    issues and harmful algal blooms. A review of regional data of Ohio, the application of P as fertilizer by ... application is one factor when determining nutrient mass balance. The other factor is nutrient removal through ... health of those watersheds. For example, CRDs10 and 20 represent nutrient application activity in the ...

  6. Community-Level Strategies for Urban Coyote Management

    will be most effective when coordinated across a community. For more information about individual ... educating the public about personal safety and coyote ecology. See Toolbox 4 to learn more best management ... about coyote identification, behavior, attractants found in cities and backyards, and appropriate and ...

  7. Lawn Mowing

    pesticide applications, for cultivating and maintaining a high-quality lawn. Properly mowed lawns have ...,+5th+Edition-p-9781119204633 Law, Q. D., Bigelow, C. A., & Patton, A. J., (2016). Selecting turfgrasses and mowing ...

  8. Whole Farm Planning Model

    financial needs of my family? How does my family feel about the business? There are many individual ... what the business says it does, what it actually does, and what others believe it is about. This ...

  9. Timber Sale Contracts

    either fail to recognize its true value or they do not market it properly. If you are thinking about ... respect to specific owner/seller concerns about minimizing the impact of the harvest on the property ...

  10. Cicada Killer Wasp

    Typically, eggs hatch in about two to three days. Upon hatching, the larvae begin feeding on the paralyzed ...
