CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Forget the Millennial vs. Boomer Distinctions: Let's talk about reaching Generation "C"

    How many of you have seen notices for workshops on “understanding Millennials” or “generational divides” in the workplace? They appear in my in-box on a regular basis. While I believe there is great merit in understanding differences that may exist in var ...

  2. Leadership Center workshops: Customer Service; StrengthsFinder; Conflict Management; Personality Spectrum; How to Get Along

    of what you do and where you work. Attitude: Choose your attitude. How you think about the customer ...

  3. OSU Livestock Judging Team Ties High Team Mark at National Barrow Show

    OSU team. For more information about the OSU Livestock Judging Team, please contact Kyle Culp at ...

  4. 'The Science of Chocolate' and more: 4-H Science Saturdays start soon

    sixth-grade students in hands-on, interactive activities about a variety of topics, from nature to food to ...

  5. Ohio 4-H inducts 4 into Hall of Fame

    as president of the Collegiate 4-H Club in college. After serving in the U.S. Army, Bob helped ...

  6. Ohio 4-H has strength in (volunteer) numbers

    about 4-H projects, processes, and best practices to enhance the work of our volunteers. At the Bob ... who has volunteered for 72 years! Lists of previous award winners and information about the 2014 event ...

  7. Business Security Forum held at University of Rio Grande

    presentations to groups across the state to teach Ohioans about their rights and how to avoid scams.  Radio: ...

  8. CFAES staff win 4 of 12 Ohio State Distinguished Staff Awards

    Extension" and has brought about permanent change to the city of Cleveland, a nominator wrote. "Her hard ... full details about each of them  here. ...

  9. Third annual Diversity Leadership Symposium set for February

    differences and develop plans that support organizational goals and objectives. For more information about the ...

  10. CD Weekly Wire- May 20, 2013

    weekly updates in the past 2 ½ years. Collaboration enables us to accomplish more than if we were to work ... is an interesting CFAES news release about Kaye and Dick Clay and their experience with leasing land ... research community are encouraged to attend this hands-on session to learn about monitoring their research ...
