CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Invasive Plants: ID, Removal and What's Next

    This class will cover identification and removal options for some invasive plants that many of us ...

  2. Preserving Food at Home can be Rewarding

    Madison Public Library Are you interested in learning about food preservation? Join us for this free ...

  3. Laugh for better health workshop at Worch Memorial Public Library

    words from the song, I love to laugh, from the movie Mary Poppins make us chuckle and brighten our mood. ... increase our awareness about attitudes and feelings while providing an opportunity to laugh, a respite from ...

  4. OSU Extension Offers Free Mental Health First Aid Training

    talk about mental health and substance use,” says Chuck Ingoglia, president and CEO of the National ... Council for Mental Wellbeing, which helped bring Mental Health First Aid to the U.S. in 2008. “This ...

  5. Self-Care for the Caregiver

    your own physical, mental and emotional health. Join us for an interactive program that will cover the ...

  6. Free Photography Walk

    time in nature has numerous mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. Join us for a slow ... walk in the YMCA woods as we appreciate, observe, and photograph the natural world around us. All ages ... to join us. Meet at the outdoor shelter on the North side of the YMCA building (near the gymnastics ...

  7. Hoppin' Around Darke County

    Hoppin’ Around Darke  County A Young Farmer’s  Farm Business Management Series Please join us at ...

  8. Ten Keys to Happier Living

    learn about the current state of happiness in the US (it’s the lowest it has ever been) and explore the ...

  9. Free Happiness 101 Webinar

    Educators Shari Gallup and Laura Stanton. They will talk about what happiness is, what research tells us ... Join us next week for Happiness 101, a free Wellness Wednesdays webinar presented by Extension ... about happy people, and ways to increase your own happiness. Register at: (and ...

  10. Mindful Breathing

    mindfulness meditation practice, can help ease us into a sense of calm, helping to reduce anxiety, depression, ...
