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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Bugs to Bonsai: Wayne County Fair Grange Rotunda Offers Demos

    The rest of the week, visitors can learn about teas, pottery, wool spinning, quilting, gardening, ... and learn about your wild Ohio neighbors! (Suitable for all ages.)             3 p.m. The Triway High ... School Robotics Team will talk about what’s involved in building a robot, how robots are used, and what ...

  2. Thank you for supporting Ohio 4-H at Celebration of Youth!

    Tech University, where he is pursuing his Ph.D. in agricultural leadership, and spoke about the impact ...

  3. Faces of Ohio 4-H — Jennifer DeLong

    involved by sharing the benefits of 4-H and talking about her positive experiences in the program. When ... asked about advice she may have for current 4-H members, DeLong encouraged them to take advantage of ...

  4. Teen Hall of Fame

    process may be held for finalists. Award Description Online Application Teen of the Year Honors one ... including Cloverbud years).   Previous Teen Award Recipients Interested in reading about ...

  5. Preparing for the future: Hoisington siblings thrive in Ohio 4-H workforce prep event

    nervous," he admitted. Afterward, I felt good about my interview." The judges offered Djouby valuable ...

  6. 4-H STEM programming is on the move with the 4-H Mobile Classroom

    youth. Hear from Christy Millhouse, state 4-H STEM educator, about her experiences with the 4-H Mobile ...

  7. Ways To Protect Livestock From West Nile Virus

    I was flipping through channels the other night and came across a topic I haven’t heard about in ... Marketing Workshop, OSU Agronomy School, and our annual private pesticide applicators and fertilizer ... applicators recertification meetings.  I would encourage you to keep an eye on our event calendar for OSU ...

  8. Calendar of events

    Butler County’s AgFest. Students will work their way through interactive stations as they learn about ...

  9. Ohio Doing Battle With the Armyworm- Here's What We Know

    Michel, James Morris, and Curtis Young, CCA share some reminders about fall armyworm scouting, ... application. An early cut can help limit damage to the alfalfa, but one must check the field for survivors.  If ... survivors are abundant, an insecticide application may be warranted to protect nearby fields.  Armyworms get ...

  10. Keep An Eye Out For Late Season Crop Pests

    pests. Let’s talk about a duo of major insect pests to keep a watchful eye for. One of the primary late ... copper colored and are laid in clusters on the leaves and stems. Eggs hatch about 10 days after being ...
