CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Perry County Sewing Smorgasbord

    School            8660 Sheridan Rd.            Thornville, Ohio About the Event: The clothing and textile ...

  2. Dean's Spring Dinner 2014

    are in your sophomore year as dean with about 18 months under your belt, has your vision or goals for ... entire evening was a beachfront blowout, except no one had to worry about getting sand in their shoes. To ... Environment and Natural Resources.  For details about giving in support of CFAES, contact 614-292-0473 or ...

  3. Enter the 2017 National 4-H Beekeeping Essay Contest Today!

    State Winner, including the National Winners, receives an appropriate book about honey bees, beekeeping, ...

  4. Pat Brundige

    development, and it will also allow for implementation of new programs that come about as a result of that ...

  5. Farm Science Review to be held September 16-18

    nutrient and lime applications, and drainage installations. The Gwynne Conservation Area is a 67-acre ...

  6. Homecoming Programming Day Tours

    around the state. For more information about any of the stops of the tour, please select these following ...

  7. Adam Sharp

    FarmHouse, among other student groups. Sharp also learned about different cultures through Study Abroad ...

  8. Dr. David Benfield

    generous gift, which helps the arboretum establish a prairie garden that will educate visitors about plants ...

  9. Grain Marketing- Turning On-Farm Storage Into A Profit

    about what can influence markets in the upcoming year and how to better prepare your operation for the ...

  10. John and Marilyn Miller

    Tyler said. “He is a very big supporter of Ohio State. It was important for us to show the same support. ...
