CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. 2021 Benefits Open Enrollment – Nov. 1-15, 2020

    strongly encourage you to visit the Open Enrollment website to learn about your 2021 benefits and select ...

  2. Safe and Healthy Buckeyes

    “Information about…” section (Scroll all the way down), which includes information about a variety of topics, ...

  3. CFAES April Celebration of Research Week Wrap-up

    Research Conference awards page to learn more about the winners, as well as the research poster competition ...

  4. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force Update

    included:   Think about and process the aspects of current events  Listen to the voices of those present   ... Inclusion will be holding its second virtual discussion about “ The Role of the Land-Grant University in ...

  5. Farm Science Review

    about 8,000 Facebook live views. The exhibitor view average is 70 per page, with a range of zero to ...

  6. Return-to-Office Planning

    very intentional about our efforts to achieve a balance between our commitment to the safety and ... (e.g., child care, school openings, health considerations); but it is important for us to move in this ... learned a lot about how we can build flexibility into our work and how we can use technology to expand our ...

  7. Thoughts from the Director

    information and interpretation of the response to questions. We will share more information about the FAQs in ...

  8. Thoughts from the Director

    a pleasure watching all of the new growth outside and having some more predictability about sunshine in Ohio. ... possible as we continue to think about our immediate and ongoing approach to returning to the statewide ...

  9. Farm to Institution Summit at Ohio University: Triple Bottom Line Benefits

    benefits of procurement of local foods. Local and state representatives will answer questions about the ...

  10. Respectful Dialogue Toolkit

    To achieve a fairer, more equitable and just society, conversations about race, inequity and ...
