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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Milk Production Growth Slows- What's Up for Milk Prices?

    weeks in the CME cheese market is an indication that the run-up has made its course and this is about as ... shown in Table 2. The producer differential and the gross milk check price are applicable to producers ...

  2. Dairy Palooza and Collegiate Updates

    University Farm and Dairy featured a two page article about our 2015 Dairy Palooza 4-H event that has grown ...

  3. Are Ohio Dairy Farmers Satisfied With Local Suppliers?

    about relocation holds true when talking about expansion. When herds take on rapid growth, the supply ...

  4. Dairy Leaders Honor Ohio's World Championship Industry During June Dairy Month Celebration

    Industry Division, on the implementation of the U.S Animal Identification program and several areas that ...

  5. Quality Milk and Quality Beef

    originates from dairy cows, and one-half of all cows processed for beef in the U.S. are dairy cattle. Dairy ...

  6. Variation in Corn Silage Will Result in Different Dietary Strategies

    lactating cows generally contain 25 to 35% starch, the cost of corn has caused us to re-examine the amount ...

  7. Market and Policy Watch 2013

    that an IOFC margin calculation based on U.S. average milk and feed values is pointless, as such ...

  8. Update on 2016 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    additional valuable information about dairy cattle nutrition. The celebration of the 25th year anniversary ...

  9. Planting Small Grains in Late Summer for Supplemental Forage

    used where wheat straw is not removed prior to planting. Manure applications prior to planting can ...

  10. Safety and Health Topics for your Winter Programs

    and learning about safe work practices for the farm and agritainment businesses” What rules apply to ... information about the Ohio AgrAbility Program visit ...
