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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. $5 Million Third Frontier Grant to Advance Granule Technology

    Andersons CEO Mike Anderson. "This grant will enable us to accelerate our research in extending this ... proprietary technology to agriculture applications that we believe will provide benefits on a global scale. We ... Lime and Stone Company; and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service. ...

  2. Receive Certified Livestock Manager Training at CTC

    license or who want to learn more about best manure management practices have the opportunity to gain the ... and Development Center, Northwest Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Districts, U.S. Department of ... Livestock Manager licensing through ODA, a farmer or custom applicator must attend three "core" ...

  3. Aquaculture Research Program Looking to Recruit Fish Farmers

    facility.  And thanks to a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and ... And participants will also have access to trainers and mentors in the field.  Applications for the ...  Applicants will be notified of selection by Dec. 15, and the first day of ABC will be Jan. 12, ...

  4. Pre-Emergent Herbicides Effective for Weed Control

    pre-emergence herbicide applications can drastically improve the control of lambsquarter, giant ragweed and ... reducing the number of applications to save time and costs," said Stachler, who also holds a research ... makes it difficult to time a single post-emergence application. • They become more difficult to control ...

  5. 'An Ohio State Story': Lab Idea Yields 60 Local Jobs, New Green Industry

    U.S. Rep. Pat Tiberi (Ohio's 12th District) and Mansfield Mayor Tim Theaker, among other elected ... is really a story about Ohio State," Bio100 Technologies President Jim Cavicchioli said. "In 2009, ... we have Ohio State people working with us in the lab. And we will continue to grow with Ohio ...

  6. Tomato Genes for Health and Profit: Francis Wins OARDC 'Innovator' Award

    internationally recognized for his application of bioinformatics, gene expression arrays and next-generation ... U.S. and Europe have repackaged and commercialized subsets of the SNPs. Last year, Francis and the ... project received the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Honor Award for Excellence. Meanwhile, in his tomato ...

  7. OARDC Adds Greener, Bi-fuel Vehicles to Its Fleet

    Pallotta of Pallotta Ford Lincoln in Wooster, Ohio, and Dave Benfield of OARDC talk about running vehicles ... we talk about that with our clients: ‘How do we close the carbon cycle?’ “This is an example of being ... plant also powers a generator that provides about 30 percent of the electricity needs of the main part ...

  8. High Yields and a Cost Savings with Liquid Manure

    if a farmer could plant corn and then use a dragline manure application system to sidedress before ... Arnold said that he hopes to show farmers that manure application, which is generally practiced in the ... purchased fertilizer," said Arnold. Not only can springtime manure application potentially fatten ...

  9. Plant Pathologist Honored Nationally for Soybean Rust Work

    (OARDC), is among members of the national Asian Soybean Rust Team who have received the U.S. Department of ... U.S., and became one of the national leaders in developing strategies for the detection of, and control ... Extension, especially with soybean rust, and it is wonderful that the highest official in the U.S. government ...

  10. USDA ARS Virus Research

    USDA-ARS researchers have collaborated with scientists in Serbia on maize redness (MR) disease.  The U.S ...
