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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Fungi Fun in the Classroom!

    and useful classes I took at OSU. We learned about the different classes of fungi in detail, and were ... this class it was a lot easier to appreciate these organisms and what they do for us (even if it’s to ... create jobs for us fighting against them to protect our food and trees). We had a good group of ...

  2. Tough Year for Wheat Production, Yields Highly Varied

    issues and prevented spring nitrogen applications due to the severity of conditions, he said. Because of ... attributed the lower-yielding fields to a combination of flooding, missed nitrogen applications and disease ... at the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimated 10 percent of wheat ripe as of Monday's crop ...

  3. Manure Management Focus of One-Day Summer Event

    Midwest Professional Nutrient Applicators Association. The theme of the Great Lakes Manure Handling Expo ... event: • Manure 101: The Superior Fertilizer. Understanding how the application rate and timing affect ... fertility specialist. • Records: What? Why? How? Good documentation of manure application can save time and ...

  4. Time to Assess Rapidly Developing Wheat

    Center, said that growers should first assess the crop's growth stage. Growers concerned about the ... herbicide and insecticide applications all depend on specific growth stages," said Paul. "In ... general, herbicide applications should be made before the first node develops. Remember, short-looking ...

  5. OSU Extension Specialists Asking for Grower Input on Head Scab Evaluation Tool

    application of fungicides when weather conditions elevate the risk of disease development." Paul is ... the need for fungicide applications in wheat to fill out the following survey: ... "This multi-state effort requires considerable resources to maintain, and scientists involved ...

  6. Livestock Manure a Winner As Alternative Spring Crop Fertilizer

    to produce yields comparable to traditional fertilizer applications, and the alternative option may ... area farmers for the past two years to determine how well swine manure applications to corn and wheat ... in the spring compare to traditional applications of nitrogen and urea. What the group found was that ...

  7. International IPM Program a Success for Tomato Producers in Africa

    pesticide applications by half, has been a marketing boon for farmers who, in some cases, collect a premium ... in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania is a four-year $800,000 initiative funded by the U.S. Agency for ... in Uganda to cut their pesticide applications in half, reducing their production costs and adverse ...

  8. New Biological Control Book Brainchild of Ohio State Scientist

    helping spread the word about these unique natural pesticides. Nematodes as Biocontrol Agents is the ... Ralph-Udo Ehlers, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany; and David Shapiro-Ilan, U.S. Department ... Topics include biology, commercial production, formulation and quality control, application technology, ...

  9. Cover Crops Boost Soil Health, Nutrients, Earthworms and Lower Costs

    produce enough nitrogen to complement or replace corn nitrogen fertilizer applications, which means less ... money spent on fertilizer applications, cover crops can also improve the health of the soil by ... they’ll need to know about cover crops worked into a corn/soybean/wheat rotation under continuous no-till, ...

  10. Overholt Drainage School Offers Soil and Water Conservation Education

    technicians and engineers can learn about the construction and management of soil and water conservation ... applicable across the Corn Belt." The conference includes: * Session 1: Laser surveying, topographic ... Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural ...
