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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Alternative Feed Source: Cornstalks Can Make For Moderate Quality Feed

    there is about 3,200 lbs. of dry matter.  We assume that only half of that would be available for an ... animal to consume, which leaves about 1,600 lbs. of dry matter per acre that is animal available.  ... Considering that a ruminant will eat about 2.5% of their body weight every day, you could graze 1,000 lbs. of ...

  2. Harvesting and Reproduction Methods for Ohio Forests

    three methods are not equally applicable to every forest. The appropriateness of a particular ...

  3. Reading Day Breakfast

    Join us for the annual Graduate Students’ Breakfast on  Thursday, December 5th, from 9-11 am. ...

  4. Saving Tips and Turkey Talk: How To Cut Meal Costs, Bake A Good Bird

    meal instead of rich desserts.  Extra servings of vegetables are better for us than an extra slice of ... a little more time, but you can save about 25-30 percent in the cost if you do the work to prepare it. ... your turkey is in the refrigerator, it takes about one day for every five pounds to thaw.  If it’s not ...

  5. FDA Letter Asks Veterinarians to Discontinue Use of Unapproved Aspirin Products in Lactating Dairy Cattle

    Ohio State University  In October 11, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently published a “ Dear ... products to treat pyrexia and pain in lactating dairy cattle. A total of 616 confirmed dairy herds in 15 US ... However, because the increased use of unapproved aspirin and the availability in the US market of labeled ...

  6. Managing Stress with Diet

    and biologically important response that helps us face life's challenges. Chronic stress, ... can help us to not overeat or eat too many unhealthy or calorie-dense foods. Practicing mindfulness ... also helps us reconnect with our body’s natural hunger and satiety cues (Stanszus, Frank, & Geiger, ...

  7. Controlling Undesirable Trees, Shrubs, and Vines in Your Woodland

    basal bark spraying cut stump application foliar spraying It is essential that you read the entire label ... of an herbicide before application. The label contains complete instructions for use, along with ... labels also list information about the effectiveness of the herbicide’s ability to control different ...

  8. Dairy Dollars: Feed Prices, Nutrient Costs, and Milk Income

    about 56% from our previous report in September (Table 2). Previously, the NE L had progressively ... cost of physically effective fiber (e-NDF) increased by about 4.5%. Table 2. Prices of Nutrients for ... protein prices were $3.09 and $3.32/lb, respectively. Fat decreased about $0.47/lb from September, while ...

  9. Planning For The Future Of Your Farm Workshop

    generation. Learn how to have the crucial conversations about the future of you farm. Workshop topics include: ...

  10. If Cows Make Their Own B-vitamins, Should We Worry About Supplementing Them? – Part II

    Dr. Kirby Krogstad, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University Introduction In part 1, we introduced the fundamentals of B-vitamin nutrition for dairy cows. Ruminants have a unique advantage when it comes to B-vitamins b ...
