* = graduate student, ** = undergraduate student
Yoshiyama, Yugo, Yu Wakabayashi, Kristin L. Mercer, Saneyuki Kawabata, Takayuki Kobayashi, Toshihito Tabuchi, and Wataru Yamori. Natural genetic variation in dynamic photosynthesis is correlated with stomatal anatomical traits in diverse tomato species across geographical habitats. Journal of Experimental Botany (2024): https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erae082
Pace, Brian A., Hugo R. Perales, Noelymar Gonzalez-Maldonado, and Kristin L. Mercer. Physiological traits contribute to growth and adaptation of Mexican maize landraces. Plos one 19, no. 2 (2024): e0290815
Natalia E. Martínez-Ainsworth, Hannah Scheppler, Alejandra Moreno-Letelier, Vivian Bernau, Michael B. Kantar, Kristin L. Mercer, Lev Jardón-Barbolla. 2023. Fluctuation of ecological niches and geographic range shifts along chile pepper's domestication gradient. Ecology and Evolution: 13 (11), e10731. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.10731
Bernau, Vivian, Michael Kantar, Lev Jardon Barbolla, Jack McCoy, Kristin L. Mercer, and Leah K. McHale. Genomic signatures of adaptation to abiotic stress from a geographically diverse collection of chile peppers (Capsicum spp.) from Mexico. bioRxiv (2023): 2023-08. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.08.13.553093. To be submitted to Genetics.
Silva-Pumarada, Gabriela, Raj K. Shrestha, Marília Chiavegato, Kristin Mercer, Benjamin K. Agyei, Maninder P. Singh, and Laura E. Lindsey. Effect of biochar application on corn and soybean yield in Michigan and Ohio. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 9, no. 2 (2023): https://doi.org/10.1002/cft2.20245.
McCoy, Jack, Natalia Martínez-Ainsworth, Vivian Bernau, Hannah Scheppler, Grant Hedblom, Achuyt Adhikari, Anna McCormick, Michael Kantar, Leah McHale, Lev Jardón-Barbolla, Kristin L. Mercer & David Baumler. Population structure in diverse pepper (Capsicum spp.) accessions. BMC Research Notes. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13104-023-06293-3.
Martínez-Ainsworth, N. E., H. Scheppler, A. Moreno-Letelier, V. Bernau, M. B. Kantar, K. L. Mercer, and L. Jardón-Barbolla. Capturing the distribution as it shifts: chile pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) domestication gradient meets geography. BioRxiv (2022): 2022-11. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.11.29.518324
Fenstemaker, Sean, Jin Cho, Jack E. McCoy, Kristin L. Mercer, and David M. Francis. Selection strategies to introgress water deficit tolerance derived from Solanum galapagense accession LA1141 into cultivated tomato. Frontiers in Plant Science 13 (2022): 947538. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.947538
McCoy J.E., L.K. McHale, M. Kantar, L. Jardón-Barbolla, K.L. Mercer. 2022. Environment of origin and domestication affect morphological, physiological, and agronomic response to water deficit in chile pepper (Capsicum sp.). PLoS ONE 17(6): e0260684. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0260684
Ana L. Pérez‐Martínez, Luis E. Eguiarte, Kristin L. Mercer, Natalia E. Martínez‐Ainsworth, Leah McHale, Esther van der Knaap, Lev Jardón‐Barbolla. Genetic diversity, gene flow, and differentiation among wild, semiwild, and landrace chile pepper (Capsicum annuum) populations in Oaxaca, Mexico. American Journal of Botany (2022): DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.16019