May 18, 2015
Vivian (co-advised with Leah McHale), in collaboration with Nathan Taitano (van der Knaap lab), received a grant to support their proposal entitled, "Finding the genetic basis of use traits and climate adaptations in chile peppers (Capsicum spp.) of southern Mexico." Congratulations, Vivian and Nathan!
May 18, 2015
Congratuations to Brian for passing his candidacy exams! Now he is off for a year in Chiapas, Mexico with his Borlaug grant to study environmental adaptation and genetic resource management in highland maize landraces. Safe travels!
Aug 22, 2014
A new graduate student has joined the lab. Vivian Bernau is starting a Masters and will be researching genetic diversity for environmental tolerances in chili pepper. She will be co-advised by Leah McHale. Welcome, Vivian!
Jul 25, 2014
Today Matthew Kost defended his dissertation entitled, Maize and Sunflower of North America: Conservation and Utilization of Genetic Diversity.
Jun 17, 2014
PhD student, Brain Pace, was awarded the US Borlaug Fellows in Global Food Security Graduate Research Fellowship Grant. His proposal was titled Adaptation of highland Mexican landraces: climate change and global food security. He works on the evolution and ecophysiology of maize grown by subsistence farmers in Southern Mexico.
Great work, Brian!
You can read more here.
May 29, 2013
Kelly Lewis, an undergraduate researcher, was awarded a SEEDS grant for a proposal entitled, Seed quality and field emergence in maize landraces sourced from an altitudinal gradient in Chiapas, Mexico. Congratulations!
May 29, 2013
PhD students Brian Pace and Matthew Kost were two of 35 students chosen to attend the 2013 US Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security at Purdue University.
See an article here: